Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas shopping

Mike and I took care of the major Christmas gift for W last night at Wal-Mart. We were there anyway to get diapers and furnace filters (as I've said before, it's so fun being a grown-up because you can spend your money on whatever you want!!). It was already crazy with people, so we decided to knock out the major present for W... The Fisher Price Rock, Roll'n'Ride Trike. It's technically from his grandparents, but there wasn't any point in them buying it in Mississippi and shipping it to Jersey. We're going to put it together before Christmas and put a bow on it for Christmas morning. I'm going to wrap the box so that he can have fun tearing the wrapping paper off it.
W and I head south tomorrow morning. We have a 10-ish flight out of Philly, so we are leaving the house around 7 because of rush-hour traffic. I failed to take that into account when I made the reservation. I also failed to take into account the length of time we will be in MS--10 days! That is a long time to be away from home; it's going to be especially hard on Mike, I think, because he won't see his little boy (and doting wife, of course) for so long. But it will be good to see friends and family, and I am looking forward to some warmer weather.
It was gross out today. Didn't get above 40, and it was drizzly all day. I didn't even set foot outside. Mike and I both have colds (I think we got them from W; not sure who he got his from). It was one of those days that we popped the Elmo DVD in and put it on repeat. Mike even called in sick for work, and he NEVER does that. I've spent my day in my pajamas, doing laundry and packing for the trip. Not terribly exciting.
I'm hoping to get some stitching done this week. I just ordered some new patterns. Actually, it's 13 "Snippets" that I got off of EBay. It was a really good deal; separately they would be around $3 each, but I got the lot of 13 for $16, including shipping. Snippets are by Lizzie Kate and are just small, quick patterns to stitch. The ones I got in this lot include:
Maybe getting some new patterns will get me out of my cross stitch rut. I've not been stitching much at all lately because I was doing multiple pieces of the same pattern, which got a little boring. These promise to mix things up a bit.

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