Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Weird Weather

It's been blazing hot this past week, but today it finally cooled off. We are supposed to get rain this afternoon and tonight. I am thinking that I will prepare my flower bed shortly thereafter so that the plants can go in after the painters come on Friday. I think I can talk Mike into putting the plants in on Saturday, even though W. and I will be out of town. It would be so nice to return home on Monday and see my plants settling in with our freshly-painted home! I have been diligently watering them as they have sat and sat in the backyard, so hopefully they will continue to cooperate when they actually enter their new (permanent) home.
Nerd Alert--I have registered for the first U.S. Sudoku Championship that will take place in Philadelphia on October 20. I have been practicing every day and am feeling confident. It cost $50 to register, but it is possible to win monetary prizes. Since I registered prior to October 5, I will receive a free T-shirt at registration. I love a good free T-shirt.


Truvie said...

I have to tell you, I spent the entire summer babying along all kinds of vegtables and flowers. My sister-in-law had gotten me hooked on gardening! Glad I'm not the only woman under 50 who's into pruning and deadheading!

Rachel said...

i am soooo glad that i have smart friends. i would come in last place in such a contest!

BB said...

you go girl...cool shirt! :)